About Margaret, Vice President

  1. What is your favorite braille tones song?
    This Is Me (because it fits what braille tones is all about so perfectly).

  2. What is your favourite memory of the btones?
    Every one of their live concerts – they always fill my heart with joy!

  3. What instruments do you play?
    None at the moment, but I do have a piano.

  4. Where did you go to school?
    I went to school in 6 different places, including towns and cities in Trinidad, Manitoba and Ontario.

  5. What is your hometown?
    Edmonton – I wasn’t born here, but I have lived in Edmonton longer than anywhere else! I am a YEG fan! Both my daughters grew up here and live here now with their partners and children.

  6. What do you do in your spare time?
    I am retired now and spend lots of time with my daughters and their families – that’s the best, especially enjoying time with my grandchildren! I also love to exercise, read, cook, sew, sing and volunteer.

  7. What’s your favorite way to unwind?
    Music – whether it is singing myself, going to live performances or listening to recordings.

  8. Do you have any pets?
    No, but I enjoy my grandchildren’s dog Jenkins, a standard poodle.


Fun & Random Questions

  1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    I think it would have to be chocolate.

  2. Do you have a favourite quote? If yes, what is it?
    I have so many favorites – I keep a file of them! Here’s one of my favorites: “Focus on things that actually bring happiness – family, community, good health, good work, experience of art and nature, service to others and a sense of purpose.”

  3. Do you have any hidden talents?

    Not sure it is a talent, nor is it hidden, but I am a very organized person – perhaps even a little OCD?

  4. Name one thing on your bucket list.
    Re-learning to play the piano proficiently.

  5. Name one thing on your bucket list that you have accomplished.
    Learning to play golf.


About Kyla, President


About Katy, Past President