About Alexis, Conductor

  1. What is your favorite braille tones song?
    Feeling Groovy - the scat possibilities are endless!

  2. What is your favourite memory of the btones?
    I always love our retreat days, getting to spend lots of time creating music together!

  3. What instruments do you play?

  4. Where did you go to school?
    Hazeldean, Ritchie, and U of A

  5. What is your hometown?
    Edmonton, AB

  6. What do you do in your spare time?
    Play with my toddler and sing in Oran Choir

  7. When are you the most creative?
    When I am outside or singing in choir :)

  8. What’s your favorite way to unwind?
    Yoga and long walks in the creek

  9. Do you have any pets?
    Nope but I love all animals


Fun & Random Questions

  1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Vegan Mac + Cheese

  2. Do you have a favourite quote? If yes, what is it?
    Let thy food be thy medicine (especially pizza)

  3. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
    "What did the ocean say to the beach?" "Nothing, it just waved."

  4. Do you have any hidden talents?

    I can do a one-handed cartwheel!

  5. Name one thing on your bucket list.
    Camping on the top of a mountain in the Rockies!

  6. Name one thing on your bucket list that you have accomplished.
    Grow my family :)


About Susan, Artistic Director


About Cherie, Accompanist